
㉝ Outline of work on global warming

n 1958, Manabe was invited to join a computer modeling group founded by John von Neumann. His team sought to build a global three-dimensional atmospheric general circulation model that directly derives the climate from basic physics equations for fluid dynamics and energy. By 1965, Manabe and Smagorinsky had completed a three-dimensional model by dividing the atmosphere into nine levels and solving basic equations.

However, the calculation was decisively influenced by what kind of clouds increased under certain conditions. The modeler had to develop "parameterization". In other words, prepare a set of numerical values ​​(parameters) that represent the net effect of all clouds in one square under given conditions.

Smagorinsky briefly described these issues in 1969. "We are now reaching a level where the variability of simulation results is comparable to the uncertainty about the structure of the real atmosphere."

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