

Losing the Bible, which she had always kept with her, was the greatest pain for her. Twelve people had to lie in a narrow place like a silkworm trellis, with their heads and feet alternated. Sometimes people's feet went into their mouths during the night. Late at night, when everyone was asleep, was her precious time for prayer. She consoled and encouraged people and preached the gospel, but she also said things like, ``Nazis are Christians who kill us. You are traitors,'' and ``Why does God only treat Jews like this?'' He didn't give me anything. All she had to eat was thin soup, and they whipped her and forced her to do hard labor. They were sometimes lined up naked to see if they still had any flesh on them to work with, and many were sent to the gas chambers each time. She was left behind, but at one point she was sent to the gas chamber. As soon as she entered, a machine malfunctioned and she was rescued.

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